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Charoite with Black Aegirine & translucent Canasite

Transformation | Healing | Spiritual Insight | Strength


Weight: 233g
Approx size: 8.5cm x 5cm x 2.5cm


A stone of transformation, Charoite allows acceptance and insight, providing healing on all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. It's one of nature's best dream stones and illuminators, granting access to lessons learned in past lives, healing emotional fears to fully live in the present moment, and ground the spiritual self into everyday reality.


Charoite is an ideal crystal for acclimating to high-frequency vibrations and is highly beneficial for healers. It helps regulate the flow of energy through the body and in grounding excess energy to prevent psychic burnout.


Charoite's energy can stimulate creativity and inspiration. It can help tap into your creative potential, overcome creative blocks, and express yourself more authentically and freely.



Price is per 1 piece. Please note that each stone is unique & one of a kind;  there will be slight variations with each stone.

All crystals are cleansed with sage. 

Charoite Freeform

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